Leadership Development | JDC EXEC
We did it!

Janine Do Cabo | Sustainability & Leadership Development | JHB, SA
Feb 2022
We woke up this morning, as we do every morning, yet today the realisation and magnitude of everything that has changed in our lives over the past year or so, really hit home. Today we can just take the time to say 3 things, “Thank you Lord”, “I celebrate you” and “WE DID IT!”
It is one thing to reach a goal, it is another to do so with the love of your life, your life companion and soul mate. It does something more. A little bit more for your relationship, a whole lot more for your education and a bunch more for your marriage, and so much more for your destiny. We are growing together towards eternity!
Thank you my love, and congratulations for achieving your Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies. You are an example of 2 Tim 2:15 “Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.”
God has truly walked this journey with us and I am excited for the next step in our education together. We are pushing for more and growing deeper in the things of God. We only have God to thank for that.
We had men and woman of God walking closely with us in this journey and from these relationships came the fruit of God’s goodness in our lives. Our spiritual parents, Apostle Nicky and Lillian van der Westhuizen, founders and senior pastors of NBCFC and MySMI.tv, who always supports us in prayer and and overflow of wisdom and guidance. We thank you for walking this journey with us since 2011.
Dr Vivian and Dr Charmaine Rodgers from Excellence Ministries International, you have been such a God sent to us through these last two years, we have leaned and gleaned into your wisdom and understanding of the word and scriptures and has grown in so many ways because of it. Destiny College International is an exceptional program built to grow leaders deeper into the calling and destiny set out by God.
Destiny College International founded in 1994 by The Worlds number one confidence coach, Dr. Keith Johnson. Destiny College International is a member of the prestigious TRANSWORLD ACCREDITING COMMISSION INTERNATIONAL. The curriculum is fully accredited with TACI. Trans world Accrediting Commission International. (TACI) exists to assure the quality and assist in the improvement of the institution or program that they accredit, by establishing an organisational witness to their credibility of performance and integrity. Their Philosophy: TACI is a professional, federally recognised, non-profit church educational organisation whose philosophy is to demonstrate accountability to the consuming public for education obtained in non-traditional evangelical educational institutions.
During this time in completing my Masters degree, my new Book IN10TIONALITY – 10 Ways to live a Rewarding and IN10TIONAL life was successfully released and is sold on all mayor online stores. In print and E-Book. Click Here to get your copy.
Today we celebrate each other in this achievement but also the people who has helped us along the way to get here. We take a moment to relive, re-aim and re-focus for what the next step in our journey will be! But for now “WE DID IT”.
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